Curious Dreamers Release New Music 

Curious Dreamers’ release Hushabye Lullabye (Music from the Original TV Series) has an appeal extending far past its obvious tailoring for children. The sum of Sacha Kelly and Giles Lamb’s efforts invokes emotion and flights of fancy capable of spellbinding even music devotees. Melodic strengths are a big reason why. Curious Dreamers concoct ten winning melodies for this collection, musical and vocal, and never flirts with repetition. Instead, Lamb and Kelly ground the song cycle’s foundation with an unshakable command of fundamentals that solidify each song.


Beginning with “Goodnight Dreams” is a shrewd move. The lyrics are an ideal scene-setter for what follows, and the musical arrangement that presumably Lamb builds for this opening number is one of the cleaner and unadorned examples of Hushabye Lullabye’s musical approach. It establishes an essential formula the remaining nine cuts follow and/or elaborate upon. “Chumble Bumble” is part of a long tradition in songwriting aimed at children. However, it is fortunate that Curious Dreamers creates music with broad appeal. Arrangements for songs such as this achieve the right degree of sophistication, never playing too obvious for listeners or embracing complexity for its sake alone. It serves up gobble-gook for lyrics, but Curious Dreamers craft their words carefully enough that they complement the accompanying vocal melody for a pleasing effect.

“Spring Showers” has several high points. Melody is a standout element but rarely develops predictably. Curious Dreamers’ impressive balance between breaking new musical ground and invoking the familiar is masterful during songs such as this. We’ve traveled through melodic territory like this as listeners, but the song restates melody in fresh and inspiring ways. Another high point is the song’s refrain. It rates among the album’s best.

The sprightly strands of “Summer Sunshine” radiate a hopeful light that burns brighter than the aforementioned song. Some listeners will disdain the scant textural alterations you hear during Hushabye Lullabye. Those individuals are arguably missing the point. Moreover, “Summer Sunshine” is a near-perfect example of their technique in action. There are many subtle changes in musical direction and mood throughout the release, but they take place within a common context. Curious Dreamers likewise achieve the bravo distinction of conveying an engaging simplicity fueled with understated finesse.

These songs weren’t easy to achieve. They sound that way, perhaps, but there’s more going on here than superficialities.


“Autumn Leaves” is a warm, dusk-like quality appropriate for its title. It provides listeners their first hint of the album’s narrative slowing to eventual rest. You hear it in the glistening but brief keyboard passages that Curious Dreamers layers throughout the song. It’s another one of Hushabye Lullabye’s songs capable of calming listeners without ever sounding sleepy. Multitrack vocals are a recurring device throughout this release and an effective addition to the still, almost unearthly beauty of “Winter Snow”. At their best, these songs are sonic landscaping that surrounds listeners with dramatic yet low-key atmospherics. This is a great example of that at work. Each of Hushabye Lullabye’s ten songs validates the impetus behind this project and bodes well for Lamb and Kelly’s continued collaboration.

Chadwick Easton


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