Nachtmystium’s Blake Judd Leans Into the Years of Hate and Negative Press in New Music Video

There is absolutely zero love lost between MetalSucks and Nachtmystium founder Blake Judd. Just a look back at our archives will show you headline after headline of “he promises to make things right” and “accused of scamming fans yet again” and so on. We’ve had a history of reporting on and calling out his numerous transgressions against fans over the years that range from promising new music and never delivering to literally never intending to deliver on the merchandise fans paid real money to receive.

So imagine my surprise when the American black metal act that originally hung it up back in 2020 had new music. Not only that, but that the lyric video to promote the new track titled “Predator Phoenix” heavily featured headlines written by ourselves and our colleagues at other outlets, as well as numerous social media comments from fans Judd apparently cheated.

Now, it should be noted that Judd was struggling with addiction, hence the whole need to lie and steal to get his fix, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. Thankfully, he’s since gotten sober so hopefully the deceitful bullshit will stop.

Still, it’s a hell of a play to come out swinging and letting people know that you’ve cheated your fans in the past. You’d think that’s something you would want to avoid so more people would feel comfortable joining you on your journey back into the spotlight. If there’s a hint of the thieving bullshit yet again, it’s going to be impossible for people to ever trust the man again.

And that’s all not even mentioning the headlines in the video that accuse Judd of having ties to Nazis. That’s some damning shit to show with lyrics like “no remorse” plastered in big bold letters across the screen…

Then you hear his statement about the album that’s coming out on November 1 titled Blight Privilege via Prophecy Records and you start to see that maybe he’s a little too unrepentant for his own good.

“There are large sections of this country where impoverished whites are just as poor as impoverished black or brown or whatever color of skin you care to name. Poverty affects all people and all places in the same way. For many of these poor, the notion of ‘white privilege’ causes people to hate one another, instead of the billionaire pigs that are orchestrating the multitude of crisis’ at hand.

“The first half of the album is a somewhat unexpected reaction to the current affairs of the last five years. It’s a warning to get prepared to live a different life in a different world and the coming fight to determine what that world will look like. What it is not, is taking any side on the partisan spectrum. The other half of the album is unrelated to this and describes Judd’s life of the last decade, which includes his coming off the streets.”

Downplaying white privilege is a hell of a play when you’ve got the stench of Nazism in your vicinity. Not a good look, dawg.


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