Unbelievable Facts About Your Favorite Country Stars

The country music genre has a massive fan base and is listened to all over the world, especially in the United States. Even if country music isn’t your thing, you’d probably be lying if you said that you didn’t know some lyrics here and there to a few songs. In the genre, there is also a base group of artists who are the face of the music and are loved by the majority of country fans.

While many of us know these stars’ music and lyrics, we don’t always know the secret facts and stories that make them such interesting people. So saddle up and take a peek at some wildest facts about country’s biggest stars.

Miranda Lambert Was Homeless As A Child

Growing up, Miranda Lambert’s parents worked as private investigators. Although it was an exciting job, it didn’t always put food on the table. Because her parents were self-employed it meant that they didn’t always have steady work. At one point, times got so hard that they could no longer afford their rent and ended up homeless.


For the following months, Lambert and her family stayed at relatives’ and friends’ houses until they finally found a home they could afford. However, they were still poor and her family had to grow their own food and raise animals on the land. She said that was when she learned to play the guitar and it was in that house that her life changed.


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