Ozzy Says His Biggest Fears are Rats and Sharon

In a recent video clip shared by The Osbournes podcast, Jack Osbourne asked his family members their biggest fears, and the most notorious metal singer of all time, Ozzy Osbourne, said that his biggest fear was rats. I mean, rats are certainly gross, but I think the all-consuming existential dread of human existence might outweigh rats by a little bit. Or the possibility that we’re all living in a simulation. Or the possibility of Limp Bizkit forcing me to watch a full-album performance of Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water. Yeah, that last one is the scariest.

But naturally, Ozzy had to make a bad Boomer joke and add to his fear of rats that his other biggest fear was his wife and manager Sharon Osbourne. You can practically hear the crickets chirping after that joke. His daughter, Kelly, then proceeds to call her father a dick for saying that about his own wife, which Sharon agrees with.

Kelly was the only one who understood that truly had a decent fear to complain about, saying that she’s currently going through a phase where everything she does makes her think about how she could potentially die from it. Although, if any of The Osbournes should be worried that anything they do could kill them, maybe it should be the 75-year-old man who really lived hard back in the day.

Jack pointed out to Kelly that her fear could lead to agoraphobia, which turned into almost all of the family members agreeing that they don’t like leaving the house. That’s fair because, when you leave the house, you might actually have to interact with people, and who the fuck wants that? That’s not sarcasm, I just hate people.

Watch the clip below.


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