Resident Alien Is Better Than Its Blooper Reel! And Here’s a Deleted Scene, Too.

Who’s getting excited about the Resident Alien Season 1 finale?

Syfy can feel the passion in the air, so they’ve released some goodies to get us through the weekend.

Prepare for a Resident Alien blooper reel and deleted scene!

The first season of this hit show has been a lot of fun.

It’s been so much fun that a blooper reel doesn’t come close to the real thing.

From what I understand, the actors get to put their own spins on a lot of the material, which effectively gives each character a unique voice.

The blooper reel finds Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, and Alice Wetterlund floundering through their lines and improv material.

Much of it seems true to character.

Would Harry over-dramatize his first bong hit? He would, and he did.

Would Sheriff Mike go off on his fellow patrons in the cafe when he was looking for a little support from them, finding none? Duh!

And would D’Arcy say the wrong thing at the right (or wrong) time? You betcha.

So, while it’s not a reel that will find you laughing out loud throughout, it does offer insight into their process, proving that what we have on-screen is the best of the best.

As for the deleted scene, with all the effort it took Harry to succeed as the town doctor and his many fears of losing his tether to the place when he quit, not much became of his replacement.

Other than a roll in the hay with D’Arcy and some annoying habits such as being too literal in the face of sarcasm, Dr. Ethan was a bit of a non-event.

Still, he managed to get under Harry’s skin nonetheless.

Now, we have a scene that shows Dr. Ethan doing what he does best, annoying Harry and being generally obtuse in the face of it.

It would be helpful to know where this scene fits into the narrative.

Was Harry already annoyed with Ethan, or was he still feeling raw at leaving a job he didn’t want and didn’t mind seeing in his rear-view mirror?

Eh, it doesn’t matter. Part of Friday’s entertainment is seeing Harry’s inability to follow parking rules. Not a single one.

Check it out.

So now, folks, you only have two choices.

You can watch Resident Alien online and get caught up because you missed out on one of the hottest tickets on TV, or you can wait until the Resident Alien Season 1 finale.

Will Harry be outed by D’Arcy’s discovery?

Is Asta in for years of secret-keeping to keep Harry safe?

Or will Harry chuck it all, damning the new friends he made into oblivion?

Watch Resident Alien Season 1 Episode 10 on Wednesday, March 31, to find out!

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She’s a member of the Critic’s Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on Twitter and email her here at TV Fanatic.


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