“Together” by AV Super Sunshine

When it comes to painting a picture of your band, the broadest strokes come in the form of albums and you can nitpick and get down to the finer, nittier and grittier aspects of how you represent yourself by the singles you choose. The albums used to generally give audiences a fairly basic understanding of your look, feel, and approach through album covers and press rollouts but in a modern setting bands have been able to tool around with album art and alternative covers for singles, akin to old LPs seeing a difference in artwork from the 45s bands would release.

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AVSupersunshine

Streaming has, understandably, completely revolutionized the way that music is digested with album covers boiling down to JPG images most people can live without — the vinyl collectors among us might have a different opinion but a great deal of the general public can live with or without any album cover discourse. The world of singles has almost replaced the world of full-length albums to a dizzying effect, and for the bigger bands, this might come as a detriment. For the indie acts, however, now’s the time to shine.

AV Super Sunshine has four albums to their name, but with half a dozen singles there’s an understandable focus on the smaller picture, especially as of late. Their latest offering “Together” further brings the forward momentum of their upbeat project to the light as it portrays a brilliant feeling of warmth, doused in heartfelt admiration. “Together” features lyrics entirely focused on the art of staying together through the good, the bad, and the everything else as a generally happy and positive instrumental radiates from beneath the vocals.

There’s a psychedelic filter to the production, lending a throwback sensation to the otherwise fairly modern composition as it rises above typical fare for something that is instead totally true to itself and unique. The warmth of the instruments is on full display and complements the vocals that come to the forefront of “Together” in their unique way. The lyrics lack the joint unparalleled quality that the rest of the song wears proudly on its chest but for what the song sets out to accomplish the words get the job done extremely well.

“Together” joins the old and the new in the best of ways, meshing modern production and retro instrumentation. The positivity infused throughout the single knocks the song’s trajectory out of the park as it allows AV Super Sunshine to truly flex their talents as a tour de force within modern indie pop and indie rock, tip-toeing the line between the two as they enjoy the best of both worlds and none of the negativity associated with either world of music.

APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/album/together/1576317060?i=1576317061

“Together” continues the upward trend of AV Super Sunshine’s reckless charm and joy permeating throughout their discography thus far, giving a great deal of sense and setting to the band’s importance within modern independent music. There’s no telling where AV Super Sunshine goes from here but if there’s an album on the way as optimistic as “Together,” listeners are truly in for a treat.

Chadwick Easton


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