Seth MacFarlane Wants to Move Family Guy Off FOX Because of Tucker Carlson

For the past 19 seasons, Family Guy has regularly aired on FOX ever since the broadcasting company debuted the show back in 1999. Now, the series’ creator, Seth MacFarlane, is considering pulling the animated TV show so it can find a new home on a different network instead — specifically, one that doesn’t host COVID-19-deniers like Tucker Carlson.

Over the weekend, MacFarlane took to Twitter to air his grievances and potentially hint at Family Guy heading to NBC. “Tucker Carlson’s latest opinion piece once again makes me wish Family Guy was on any other network,” MacFarlane tweeted. “Look, FOX, we both know this marriage isn’t working anymore. The sex is only once a year, I don’t get along with your mother, and well… I’ve been having an affair with NBC.”

The opinion piece MacFarlane is likely referring to sees Carlson falsely claim that Democrats and the CDC “have been lying about COVID and the vaccine” and Dr. Anthony Fauci “created COVID.” Hours later, MacFarlane returned to Twitter to share a graphic explaining why CDC regulations, and many other science-based suggestions, change over time.


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“Someone posted this on my feed, and it’s a good reminder for those who balk when the messaging changes or evolves during the study of a new virus. Science is the only tool we have, and it’s doing its best,” tweeted MacFarlane. Accompanying the tweet was a text post that reads, “Science is not the truth. Science is finding the truth. When science changes its opinion, it didn’t lie to you. It learned more.”

This isn’t the first time the Family Guy creator said he was embarrassed to have viewers tune in to FOX to watch his show. Back in 2018, MacFarlane accused Carlson of peddling “fringe shit” after he told viewers to disregard mainstream news publications. “In other words, don’t think critically, don’t consult multiple news sources, and in general, don’t use your brain. Just blindly obey FOX News. This is fringe shit, and it’s business like this that makes me embarrassed to work for this company.”

Last year, FOX announced that the show would continue on through Season 21. It’s likely in part due to the fact that Family Guy is one of several animated TV series that could stay in production during the pandemic while the rest of the industry shut down. That means fans can hear more episodes with Sam Elliott replacing Adam West as the mayor and fewer episodes that rely on homophobic humor and gay jokes.



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