ABF Creative Launches Search For 5 Women Of Color Podcast Hosts For Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay2021

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Source: Alistair Berg / Getty

ABF Creative, which bills itself as the nation’s first and only A.I.-driven producer of multicultural audio content, has observed the growth of the podcast space while recognizing the dearth of women of color within. The company is currently embarking on a search to bring equity in some fashion to podcasting, offering five new podcast hosts slots for Women’s Equality Day.

ABF Creative put out the call Thursday (August 26) in connection with Women’s Equality Day. ABF Creative currently has a handful of women podcast hosts within its network and is hoping to expand that number by way of this developing talent search.

“According to Edison Research’s Infinite Dial 2021 report, the female podcast audience is at an all-time high – and that audience includes a growing number of women of color, New Jersey native Anthony Frasier, CEO/Founder of ABF Creative, offered in a statement. “Our current talent roster of dynamic multicultural female hosts reflects that trend, and in honor of Women’s Equality Day, we’d like to recruit five additional women of color who can bring their passion, skills, and expertise to our listeners.”

Frasier adds, “Our goal is to find and sign five female influencers of color from anywhere in the U.S. who want to leverage the power of audio to communicate their message and bring positivity to the world. If they’re energetic, ambitious, and have stellar communication skills, our ears are open.”

ABF Creative currently hosts the podcasts for the following:

  • Entrepreneur, speaker, and author Sevetri Wilson, host of “From Solid Ground to Resilient” – featuring practical business building advice and interviews with noteworthy startup CEOs.
  • Techie, traveler, style/fashionista, and beauty influencer Miss P, host of “Another Word” – a fun, funny, and tea-spilling examination of Bravo’s “Real Housewives” that’s been among Apple’s top 50 downloads in the After Show category.
  • Journalist and sports fanatic Quierra Luck, host of “Real Sports Heroes” – the first podcast featuring interviews with premier NBA and NFL players who discuss their challenging backstories, inspiring resilience, and commitment to positive social change.
  • Voice actress and storyteller Heidi Kwiat, host of “African Folktales” – a Webby award-winning series for families/kids featuring fun and inspiring stories that originated in Africa and have been passed down through generations by word of mouth.

For those interested in putting their names into the hat, the search will continue throughout the rest of the year, and all interested parties can email business@abfc.co to inquire more.

Photo: Getty

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