Exclusive Interview with Patricia Bahia

Hi Patricia! You are so inspiring and have conquered so much! What has been your biggest achievement so far?

Taking the leap and leaving my law career to become a songwriter is still probably the biggest thing I’ve done in my music career. Without that, I wouldn’t have a music career at all.

How much time are you spending on your music a day?

I wake up and go to sleep with melodies playing in my head. I dream about music. And if you count the business side of music (the things I do to support and release music such as promo, administrative tasks, and coaching other artists) then it’s pretty much 24/7.

Does practice make perfect?

Practice makes you confident, which is better than perfect, because it’s not rigid. Confidence allows you to improvise no matter what happens.

Who are you looking up to these days?

My friend Connie Lim, the music artist and activist known as MILCK. She creates beautiful, deeply meaningful music that resonates around the world with soulful messages of social justice and inclusion. She is an inspiration to me and many others, and I am honored to count her as a precious friend and co-writer.

Anything in the works that you can share?

My next single Hold On is releasing September 10, 2021 – World Suicide Prevention Day – with a message of encouragement for dark times.

I wrote Hold On with Emmy-award winning songwriter/producer/guitarist Mike Meiers and produced the record with GRAMMY-nominated producer Bobby Holland (Kesha, ZZ Ward, Maggie Rose) in Nashville. I’m really proud of this song and absolutely love how the recording turned out.

My hope is that anyone hearing it will feel encouraged and less alone.

Do you allow yourself to enjoy your wins?

Absolutely. I think it’s vitally important to pause and take the time to celebrate wins. I’ve recently started doing a weekly “Sunday Summit” where the first thing I do is review all my accomplishments and wins, no matter how small, from the prior week. Paradoxically, looking back and recognizing how far I’ve come actually gives me energy to keep moving forward.

What advice can you give an upcoming artist about not focusing on their losses too much?

We’ve all heard the saying, “Energy flows where attention goes,” meaning that what you focus on grows. So rather than focusing on what went wrong, I try to focus my attention on what went right and amplify that. And for the things that didn’t go as I would have liked, I try to look at what I can learn from the experience for next time. My advice is to try to change your outlook from “win or lose,” to “win or learn.” Nothing is a complete loss if you learn something from it.

Thank you for chatting!

You’re welcome!

All your socials please!

Website: http://patriciabahia.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patriciabahiamusic

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatriciaBahiaMusic/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatriciaBahiaMusic

Music Streaming Services: Https://found.ee/PatriciaBahia

For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

End of Interview


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