
Before they became the international juggernauts, a multi-million dollar business machine, and the largest band on the planet, Metallica were a foursome of scrappy heshers looking to kick some ass with their music. And though they were firmly a West Coast creation, Metallica got its first big break from a small label called Megaforce Records.
After months of insane rhetoric from both sides of the aisle, it’s finally election day. With scores of Americans heading to the polls that haven’t already cast their ballots, all that’s left to say now is “well, it’s been a good run America. So long, and thanks for all the fish.” If you’re of a
If you’re a nerd for old-school, Swiss proggy thrash, it’s your lucky day. Coroner haven’t made an album in 30 years, but they’re about to change that. According to a recent interview with Blabbermouth, guitarist Tommy Veterrli says the band will start making their new record in February of next year. They haven’t released a