Servant Season 2 Episode 4 Review: 2:00

Dorothy is beyond redemption.

Her relentless pursuit of answers on Servant Season 2 Episode 4 found her physically and emotionally assaulting Leanne every night as the clock struck 2 am, and it was a difficult watch.

The power has reversed on Servant Season 2, and Dorothy wants to take control of not only her fate but also Jericho’s, and she’s slowly morphing into one of the most wicked characters on TV.

There has to be significance to Dorothy waking up in the dead of night at the same time every night, and I’m guessing it has something to do with the time Jericho was born.

The final scene suggested as much based on how she was looking at Jericho’s empty crib and then to the empty clock, but I don’t get why she felt the need to attack Leanne so viciously.

Leanne said she didn’t know where Jericho was, and it wasn’t enough for Dorothy to accept, which makes sense when you consider just how desperate for answers she is.

I reckon the lashing out came from the rage of still not having Jericho back home and because Leanne so easily manipulates sean.

Slowly, the layers are being pulled back, and I don’t understand what Julian had to gain by saying that Sean prayed in the basement with Leanne’s uncle.

Julian was literally and figuratively stirring the pot in the house. He made great pasta, but he also left Sean and Dorothy’s relationship in a more uncertain state than before.

Sean’s taste and smell returning was hardly surprising. He was under Leanne’s rule and showed warmth to her when everyone else turned their back on her.

Leanne prayed with the page marked “Sean,” and just like that, he managed to smell again. I wonder if Leanne somehow tethered her life to his so that he would feel if she was in pain.

When Dorothy attacked and buried Leanne alive, Sean felt a burning sensation in his hand, leading me to believe that this was a warning that Leanne was in peril.

Dorothy has crossed a line that she won’t be able to come back from, and given the way Sean lashed out following her actions, their relationship is probably about to end.

All of this could have been avoided had he fessed up and told Dorothy what really happened to Jericho. Sean likes to keep the peace in the household, and to an extent, he’s enabled Dorothy’s erratic and manipulative behavior.

Unfortunately, he’s also played along with it, which will not look good in the eyes of the law.

Sean needs to wisen up and confront his wife about everything that’s happened, and then, maybe, they will be able to rebuild their lives in the aftermath.

That’s a big if, however. Dorothy needs help that neither Sean, Julian, or Natalie can give her.

Sean was open about wanting to turn to Natalie to get Dorothy’s medication changed, and Dorothy gave him an obnoxious response about her becoming a zombie.

Dorothy doesn’t want to help herself, and she doesn’t give a crap about who she hurts. All she cares about these days is finding Jericho, but will she have a breakthrough if she’s confronted about her part in his death?

Before long, May Markham and the rest of the cult will come calling, unless all of this is an elaborate test to see how far the Turners will go to save Jericho.

The issue with all of this is that Jericho could be dead. His return could have been a mere illusion, but given that we know May, and even Leanne, can make things happen if they put their minds to it.

There has to be a bigger picture here, and given that Dorothy threw herself head-first into investigating them in the past, we shouldn’t rule out that what happened to Jericho wasn’t payback from the Markhams for the way the network covered the story.

The unfortunate thing is that the series is giving zero answers. The plots are not moving forward, they are moving sideways in a way that feels like a desperate attempt to fill episodes to keep the actual answers for later in the run.

The creator had four seasons mapped out, or forty episodes. Nothing of substance is happening on Servant Season 2, and I fear that we get no answers until the final episodes of the fourth, and likely final, season.

What are your thoughts on the way the story is being told? Do you feel like there’s a lack of progression for all of the key players?

Do you feel like Dorothy can be redeemed, or is she the worst?

Hit the comments below.

Servant Season 2 airs Fridays on Apple TV+.

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.


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